Package 'JointAI'

Title: Joint Analysis and Imputation of Incomplete Data
Description: Joint analysis and imputation of incomplete data in the Bayesian framework, using (generalized) linear (mixed) models and extensions there of, survival models, or joint models for longitudinal and survival data, as described in Erler, Rizopoulos and Lesaffre (2021) <doi:10.18637/jss.v100.i20>. Incomplete covariates, if present, are automatically imputed. The package performs some preprocessing of the data and creates a 'JAGS' model, which will then automatically be passed to 'JAGS' <> with the help of the package 'rjags'.
Authors: Nicole S. Erler [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Nicole S. Erler <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Built: 2025-02-26 04:17:07 UTC

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Continue sampling from an object of class JointAI


This function continues the sampling from the MCMC chains of an existing object of class 'JointAI'.


add_samples(object, n.iter, add = TRUE, thin = NULL,
  monitor_params = NULL, = "text", mess = TRUE)



object inheriting from class 'JointAI'


the number of additional iterations of the MCMC chain


logical; should the new MCMC samples be added to the existing samples (TRUE; default) or replace them? If samples are added the arguments monitor_params and thin are ignored.


thinning interval (see window.mcmc); ignored when add = TRUE.


named list or vector specifying which parameters should be monitored. For details, see *_imp and the vignette Parameter Selection. Ignored when add = TRUE.

character string specifying the type of progress bar. Possible values are "text" (default), "gui", and "none" (see update). Note: when sampling is performed in parallel it is not possible to display a progress bar.


logical; should messages be given? Default is TRUE.

See Also


The vignette Parameter Selection contains some examples on how to specify the argument monitor_params.


# Example 1:
# Run an initial JointAI model:
mod <- lm_imp(y ~ C1 + C2, data = wideDF, n.iter = 100)

# Continue sampling:
mod_add <- add_samples(mod, n.iter = 200, add = TRUE)

# Example 2:
# Continue sampling, but additionally sample imputed values.
# Note: Setting different parameters to monitor than in the original model
# requires add = FALSE.
imps <- add_samples(mod, n.iter = 200, monitor_params = c("imps" = TRUE),
                    add = FALSE)

Convert a survival outcome to a model name


A helper function that converts the "name of a survival model" (the "Surv(time, status)" specification) into a valid variable name so that it can be used in the JAGS model syntax.





a character string or vector of character strings


clean_survname("Surv(eventtime, event != 'censored')")

Get the default values for hyper-parameters


This function returns a list of default values for the hyper-parameters.




norm: hyper-parameters for normal and log-normal models

mu_reg_norm mean in the priors for regression coefficients
tau_reg_norm precision in the priors for regression coefficients
shape_tau_norm shape parameter in Gamma prior for the precision of the (log-)normal distribution
rate_tau_norm rate parameter in Gamma prior for the precision of the (log-)normal distribution

gamma: hyper-parameters for Gamma models

mu_reg_gamma mean in the priors for regression coefficients
tau_reg_gamma precision in the priors for regression coefficients
shape_tau_gamma shape parameter in Gamma prior for the precision of the Gamma distribution
rate_tau_gamma rate parameter in Gamma prior for the precision of the Gamma distribution

beta: hyper-parameters for beta models

mu_reg_beta mean in the priors for regression coefficients
tau_reg_beta precision in the priors for regression coefficients
shape_tau_beta shape parameter in Gamma prior for the precision of the beta distribution
rate_tau_beta rate parameter in Gamma prior for precision of the of the beta distribution

binom: hyper-parameters for binomial models

mu_reg_binom mean in the priors for regression coefficients
tau_reg_binom precision in the priors for regression coefficients

poisson: hyper-parameters for poisson models

mu_reg_poisson mean in the priors for regression coefficients
tau_reg_poisson precision in the priors for regression coefficients

multinomial: hyper-parameters for multinomial models

mu_reg_multinomial mean in the priors for regression coefficients
tau_reg_multinomial precision in the priors for regression coefficients

ordinal: hyper-parameters for ordinal models

mu_reg_ordinal mean in the priors for regression coefficients
tau_reg_ordinal precision in the priors for regression coefficients
mu_delta_ordinal mean in the prior for the intercepts
tau_delta_ordinal precision in the priors for the intercepts

ranef: hyper-parameters for the random effects variance-covariance matrices (when there is only one random effect a Gamma distribution is used instead of the Wishart distribution)

shape_diag_RinvD shape parameter in Gamma prior for the diagonal elements of RinvD
rate_diag_RinvD rate parameter in Gamma prior for the diagonal elements of RinvD
KinvD_expr a character string that can be evaluated to calculate the number of degrees of freedom in the Wishart distribution used for the inverse of the variance-covariance matrix for random effects, depending on the number of random effects nranef

surv: parameters for survival models (survreg, coxph and JM)

mu_reg_surv mean in the priors for regression coefficients
tau_reg_surv precision in the priors for regression coefficients


From the JAGS user manual on the specification of the Wishart distribution:
For KinvD larger than the dimension of the variance-covariance matrix the prior on the correlation between the random effects is concentrated around 0, so that larger values of KinvD indicate stronger prior belief that the elements of the multivariate normal distribution are independent. For KinvD equal to the number of random effects the Wishart prior puts most weight on the extreme values (correlation 1 or -1).



# To change the hyper-parameters:
hyp <- default_hyperpars()
hyp$norm['rate_tau_norm'] <- 1e-3
mod <- lm_imp(y ~ C1 + C2 + B1, data = wideDF, hyperpars = hyp, mess = FALSE)

Plot the posterior density from object of class JointAI


The function plots a set of densities (per chain and coefficient) from the MCMC sample of an object of class "JointAI".


densplot(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'JointAI'
densplot(object, start = NULL, end = NULL, thin = NULL,
  subset = c(analysis_main = TRUE), outcome = NULL,
  exclude_chains = NULL, vlines = NULL, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL,
  joined = FALSE, use_ggplot = FALSE, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)



object inheriting from class 'JointAI'


additional parameters passed to plot()


the first iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


the last iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


thinning interval (integer; see window.mcmc). For example, thin = 1 (default) will keep the MCMC samples from all iterations; thin = 5 would only keep every 5th iteration.


subset of parameters/variables/nodes (columns in the MCMC sample). Follows the same principle as the argument monitor_params in *_imp.


optional; vector identifying a subset of sub-models included in the output, either by specifying their indices (using the order used in the list of model formulas), or their names (LHS of the respective model formula as character string)


optional vector of the index numbers of chains that should be excluded


list, where each element is a named list of parameters that can be passed to graphics::abline() to create vertical lines. Each of the list elements needs to contain at least v = <x location> where <x location> is a vector of the same length as the number of plots (see examples).


optional; number of rows in the plot layout; automatically chosen if unspecified


optional; number of columns in the plot layout; automatically chosen if unspecified


logical; should the chains be combined before plotting?


logical; Should ggplot be used instead of the base graphics?


logical; should warnings be given? Default is TRUE.


logical; should messages be given? Default is TRUE.

See Also

The vignette Parameter Selection contains some examples how to specify the argument subset.


## Not run: 
# fit a JointAI object:
mod <- lm_imp(y ~ C1 + C2 + M1, data = wideDF, n.iter = 100)

# Example 1: basic densityplot
densplot(mod, exclude_chains = 2)

# Example 2: use vlines to mark zero
densplot(mod, col = c("darkred", "darkblue", "darkgreen"),
         vlines = list(list(v = rep(0, nrow(summary(mod)$res$y$regcoef)),
                            col = grey(0.8))))

# Example 3: use vlines to visualize posterior mean and 2.5%/97.5% quantiles
res <- rbind(summary(mod)$res$y$regcoef[, c('Mean', '2.5%', '97.5%')],
             summary(mod)$res$y$sigma[, c('Mean', '2.5%', '97.5%'),
             drop = FALSE]
densplot(mod, vlines = list(list(v = res[, "Mean"], lty = 1, lwd = 2),
                            list(v = res[, "2.5%"], lty = 2),
                            list(v = res[, "97.5%"], lty = 2)))

# Example 4: ggplot version
densplot(mod, use_ggplot = TRUE)

# Example 5: change how the ggplot version looks

densplot(mod, use_ggplot = TRUE) +
  xlab("value") +
  theme(legend.position = 'bottom') +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = 'Dark2', name = 'chain')

## End(Not run)

Return the current state of a 'JointAI' model


Return the current state of a 'JointAI' model


extract_state(object, pattern = paste0("^", c("RinvD", "invD", "tau", "b"),



an object of class 'JointAI'


vector of patterns to be matched with the names of the nodes


A list with one element per chain of the MCMC sampler, containing the Returns the current state of the MCMC sampler (values of the last iteration) for the subset of nodes identified based on the pattern the user has specified.

Extract multiple imputed datasets from an object of class JointAI


This function returns a dataset containing multiple imputed datasets stacked onto each other (i.e., long format; optionally including the original, incomplete data).
These data can be automatically exported to SPSS (as a .txt file containing the data and a .sps file containing syntax to generate a .sav file). For the export function the foreign package needs to be installed.


get_MIdat(object, m = 10, include = TRUE, start = NULL, minspace = 50,
  seed = NULL, export_to_SPSS = FALSE, resdir = NULL, filename = NULL)



object inheriting from class 'JointAI'


number of imputed datasets


should the original, incomplete data be included? Default is TRUE.


the first iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


minimum number of iterations between iterations to be chosen as imputed values (to prevent strong correlation between imputed datasets in the case of high autocorrelation of the MCMC chains).


optional seed value


logical; should the completed data be exported to SPSS?


optional; directory for results. If unspecified and export_to_SPSS = TRUE the current working directory is used.


optional; file name (without ending). If unspecified and export_to_SPSS = TRUE a name is generated automatically.


A data.frame in which the original data (if include = TRUE) and the imputed datasets are stacked onto each other.
The variable Imputation_ indexes the imputation, while .rownr links the rows to the rows of the original data. In cross-sectional datasets the variable .id is added as subject identifier.


In order to be able to extract (multiple) imputed datasets the imputed values must have been monitored, i.e., imps = TRUE had to be specified in the argument monitor_params in *_imp.

See Also



## Not run: 
# fit a model and monitor the imputed values with
# monitor_params = c(imps = TRUE)

mod <- lm_imp(y ~ C1 + C2 + M2, data = wideDF,
              monitor_params = c(imps = TRUE), n.iter = 100)

# Example 1: without export to SPSS
MIs <- get_MIdat(mod, m = 3, seed = 123)

# Example 2: with export for SPSS
# (here: to the temporary directory "temp_dir")

temp_dir <- tempdir()
MIs <- get_MIdat(mod, m = 3, seed = 123, resdir = temp_dir,
                 filename = "example_imputation",
                 export_to_SPSS = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Obtain a summary of the missing values involved in an object of class JointAI


This function returns a data.frame or a list of data.frames per grouping level. Each of the data.frames has columns variable, #NA (number of missing values) and %NA (proportion of missing values in percent).





object inheriting from class JointAI


mod <-  lm_imp(y ~ C1 + B2 + C2, data = wideDF, n.iter = 100)

Gelman-Rubin criterion for convergence


Calculates the Gelman-Rubin criterion for convergence (uses gelman.diag from package coda).


GR_crit(object, confidence = 0.95, transform = FALSE, autoburnin = TRUE,
  multivariate = TRUE, subset = NULL, exclude_chains = NULL,
  start = NULL, end = NULL, thin = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE,



object inheriting from class 'JointAI'


the coverage probability of the confidence interval for the potential scale reduction factor


a logical flag indicating whether variables in x should be transformed to improve the normality of the distribution. If set to TRUE, a log transform or logit transform, as appropriate, will be applied.


a logical flag indicating whether only the second half of the series should be used in the computation. If set to TRUE (default) and start(x) is less than end(x)/2 then start of series will be adjusted so that only second half of series is used.


a logical flag indicating whether the multivariate potential scale reduction factor should be calculated for multivariate chains


subset of parameters/variables/nodes (columns in the MCMC sample). Follows the same principle as the argument monitor_params in *_imp.


optional vector of the index numbers of chains that should be excluded


the first iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


the last iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


thinning interval (integer; see window.mcmc). For example, thin = 1 (default) will keep the MCMC samples from all iterations; thin = 5 would only keep every 5th iteration.


logical; should warnings be given? Default is TRUE.


logical; should messages be given? Default is TRUE.


currently not used


Gelman, A and Rubin, DB (1992) Inference from iterative simulation using multiple sequences, Statistical Science, 7, 457-511.

Brooks, SP. and Gelman, A. (1998) General methods for monitoring convergence of iterative simulations. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 7, 434-455.

See Also

The vignette Parameter Selection contains some examples how to specify the argument subset.


mod1 <- lm_imp(y ~ C1 + C2 + M2, data = wideDF, n.iter = 100)

JointAI: Joint Analysis and Imputation of Incomplete Data


The JointAI package performs simultaneous imputation and inference for incomplete or complete data under the Bayesian framework. Models for incomplete covariates, conditional on other covariates, are specified automatically and modelled jointly with the analysis model. MCMC sampling is performed in 'JAGS' via the R package rjags.

Main functions

JointAI provides the following main functions that facilitate analysis with different models:

As far as possible, the specification of these functions is analogous to the specification of widely used functions for the analysis of complete data, such as lm, glm, lme (from the package nlme), survreg (from the package survival) and coxph (from the package survival).

Computations can be performed in parallel to reduce computational time, using the package future, the argument shrinkage allows the user to impose a penalty on the regression coefficients of some or all models involved, and hyper-parameters can be changed via the argument hyperpars.

To obtain summaries of the results, the functions summary(), coef() and confint() are available, and results can be visualized with the help of traceplot() or densplot().

The function predict() allows prediction (including credible intervals) from JointAI models.

Evaluation and export

Two criteria for evaluation of convergence and precision of the posterior estimate are available:

  • GR_crit implements the Gelman-Rubin criterion ('potential scale reduction factor') for convergence

  • MC_error calculates the Monte Carlo error to evaluate the precision of the MCMC sample

Imputed data can be extracted (and exported to SPSS) using get_MIdat(). The function plot_imp_distr() allows visual comparison of the distribution of observed and imputed values.

Other useful functions


The following vignettes are available


Erler NS, Rizopoulos D, Lesaffre EMEH (2021). "JointAI: Joint Analysis and Imputation of Incomplete Data in R." Journal of Statistical Software, 100(20), 1-56. doi:10.18637/jss.v100.i20.

Erler, N.S., Rizopoulos, D., Rosmalen, J., Jaddoe, V.W.V., Franco, O. H., & Lesaffre, E.M.E.H. (2016). Dealing with missing covariates in epidemiologic studies: A comparison between multiple imputation and a full Bayesian approach. Statistics in Medicine, 35(17), 2955-2974. doi:10.1002/sim.6944

Erler, N.S., Rizopoulos D., Jaddoe, V.W.V., Franco, O.H. & Lesaffre, E.M.E.H. (2019). Bayesian imputation of time-varying covariates in linear mixed models. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 28(2), 555–568. doi:10.1177/0962280217730851

Fitted object of class 'JointAI'


An object returned by one of the main functions *_imp.



lm, glm, clm, lme, glme, clmm, survreg or coxph (with attributes family and link for GLM-type models


The formula used in the (analysis) model.


original (incomplete, but pre-processed) data


named vector specifying the the types of all sub-models


a list of the fixed effects formulas of the sub-model(s) for which the use had specified a formula


a list of the random effects formulas of the sub-model(s) for which the use had specified a formula


a list (for internal use) containing the data and information extracted from the data and model formulas, split up into

  • a named vector identifying the levels (in the hierarchy) of all variables (Mlvls)

  • a vector of the id variables that were extracted from the random effects formulas (idvar)

  • a list of grouping information for each grouping level of the data (groups)

  • a named vector identifying the hierarchy of the grouping levels (group_lvls)

  • a named vector giving the number of observations on each level of the hierarchy (N)

  • the name of the time variable (only for survival models with time-varying covariates) (timevar)

  • a formula of auxiliary variables (auxvars)

  • a list specifying the reference categories and dummy variables for all factors involved in the models (refs)

  • a list of linear predictor information (column numbers per design matrix) for all sub-models (lp_cols)

  • a list identifying information for interaction terms found in the model formulas (interactions)

  • a data.frame containing information on transformations of incomplete variables (trafos)

  • a data.frame containing information on transformations of all variables (fcts_all)

  • a logical indicator if parameter for posterior predictive checks should be monitored (ppc; not yet used)

  • a vector specifying if shrinkage of regression coefficients should be performed, and if so for which models and what type of shrinkage (shrinkage)

  • the number of degrees of freedom to be used in the spline specification of the baseline hazard in proportional hazards survival models (df_basehaz)

  • a list of matrices, one per level of the data, specifying centring and scaling parameters for the data (scale_pars)

  • a list containing information on the outcomes (mostly relevant for survival outcomes; outcomes)

  • a list of terms objects, needed to be able to build correct design matrices for the Gauss-Kronrod quadrature when, for example, splines are used to model time in a joint model (terms_list)


a list of matrices specifying the indices of the regression coefficients for each of the main models per design matrix


a list of matrices specifying the indices of regression coefficients for each covariate model per design matrix


The JAGS model as character string.


a list containing MCMC sampling related information with elements


path and name of the JAGS model file


number of MCMC chains


number of iterations in the adaptive phase


number of iterations in the MCMC sample


monitored nodes


thinning interval of the MCMC sample


a list containing the initial values that were passed to rjags


the named list of parameter groups to be monitored


list with data that was passed to rjags


a list containing the values of the hyper-parameters used


a list with information used to write the imputation model syntax


a list relating the regression coefficient vectors used in the JAGS model to the names of the corresponding covariates


the JAGS model (an object of class 'jags', created by rjags)


MCMC sample on the sampling scale (included only if keep_scaled_sample = TRUE)


MCMC sample, scaled back to the scale of the data


a list with information on the computational setting (start_time: date and time the calculation was started, duration: computational time of the model adaptive and sampling phase, JointAI_version: package version, R_version: the R.version.string, parallel: whether parallel computation was used, workers: if parallel computation was used, the number of workers)


fitted/predicted values (if available)


residuals (if available)


the original call

List model details


This function prints information on all models, those explicitly specified by the user and those specified automatically by JointAI for (incomplete) covariates in a JointAI object.


list_models(object, predvars = TRUE, regcoef = TRUE, otherpars = TRUE,
  priors = TRUE, refcat = TRUE)



object inheriting from class 'JointAI'


logical; should information on the predictor variables be printed? (default is TRUE)


logical; should information on the regression coefficients be printed? (default is TRUE)


logical; should information on other parameters be printed? (default is TRUE)


logical; should information on the priors (and hyper-parameters) be printed? (default is TRUE)


logical; should information on the reference category be printed? (default is TRUE)


The models listed by this function are not the actual imputation models, but the conditional models that are part of the specification of the joint distribution. Briefly, the joint distribution is specified as a sequence of conditional models

\[p(y | x_1, x_2, x_3, ..., \theta) p(x_1|x_2, x_3, ..., \theta) p(x_2|x_3, ..., \theta) ...\]

The actual imputation models are the full conditional distributions \(p(x_1 | \cdot)\) derived from this joint distribution. Even though the conditional distributions do not contain the outcome and all other covariates in their linear predictor, outcome and other covariates are taken into account implicitly, since imputations are sampled from the full conditional distributions. For more details, see Erler et al. (2016) and Erler et al. (2019).

The function list_models prints information on the conditional distributions of the covariates (since they are what is specified; the full-conditionals are automatically derived within JAGS). The outcome is, thus, not part of the printed linear predictor, but is still included during imputation.


Erler, N.S., Rizopoulos, D., Rosmalen, J.V., Jaddoe, V.W., Franco, O.H., & Lesaffre, E.M.E.H. (2016). Dealing with missing covariates in epidemiologic studies: A comparison between multiple imputation and a full Bayesian approach. Statistics in Medicine, 35(17), 2955-2974.

Erler NS, Rizopoulos D, Lesaffre EMEH (2021). "JointAI: Joint Analysis and Imputation of Incomplete Data in R." Journal of Statistical Software, 100(20), 1-56. doi:10.18637/jss.v100.i20.


# (set n.adapt = 0 and n.iter = 0 to prevent MCMC sampling to save time)
mod1 <- lm_imp(y ~ C1 + C2 + M2 + O2 + B2, data = wideDF, n.adapt = 0,
               n.iter = 0, mess = FALSE)


Longitudinal example dataset


A simulated longitudinal dataset.




A simulated data frame with 329 rows and 21 variables with data from 100 subjects:


continuous, complete baseline variable


continuous, incomplete baseline variable


binary, complete baseline variable


binary, incomplete baseline variable


unordered factor; complete baseline variable


unordered factor; incomplete baseline variable


ordered factor; complete baseline variable


ordered factor; incomplete baseline variable


count variable; complete baseline variable


count variable; incomplete baseline variable


continuous, complete longitudinal variable


continuous incomplete longitudinal variable


binary, complete longitudinal variable


binary incomplete longitudinal variable


ordered factor; complete longitudinal variable


ordered factor; incomplete longitudinal variable


count variable; complete longitudinal variable


count variable; incomplete longitudinal variable


id (grouping) variable


continuous complete longitudinal variable


continuous, longitudinal (outcome) variable

Calculate and plot the Monte Carlo error


Calculate, print and plot the Monte Carlo error of the samples from a 'JointAI' model, combining the samples from all MCMC chains.


MC_error(x, subset = NULL, exclude_chains = NULL, start = NULL,
  end = NULL, thin = NULL, digits = 2, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'MCElist'
plot(x, data_scale = TRUE, plotpars = NULL,
  ablinepars = list(v = 0.05), minlength = 20, ...)



object inheriting from class 'JointAI'


subset of parameters/variables/nodes (columns in the MCMC sample). Follows the same principle as the argument monitor_params in *_imp.


optional vector of the index numbers of chains that should be excluded


the first iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


the last iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


thinning interval (integer; see window.mcmc). For example, thin = 1 (default) will keep the MCMC samples from all iterations; thin = 5 would only keep every 5th iteration.


number of digits for the printed output


logical; should warnings be given? Default is TRUE.


logical; should messages be given? Default is TRUE.


Arguments passed on to mcmcse::mcse.mat


represents the batch size in “bm” and the truncation point in “bartlett” and “tukey”. Default is NULL which implies that an optimal batch size is calculated using the batchSize function. Can take character values of “sqroot” and “cuberoot” or any numeric value between 1 and n/2. “sqroot” means size is n1/2\lfloor n^{1/2} \rfloor and “cuberoot” means size is n1/3\lfloor n^{1/3} \rfloor.


a function such that E(g(x))E(g(x)) is the quantity of interest. The default is NULL, which causes the identity function to be used.


any of “bm”,“obm”,“bartlett”, “tukey”. “bm” represents batch means estimator, “obm” represents overlapping batch means estimator with, “bartlett” and “tukey” represents the modified-Bartlett window and the Tukey-Hanning windows for spectral variance estimators.


The lugsail parameters (r) that converts a lag window into its lugsail equivalent. Larger values of r will typically imply less underestimation of “cov”, but higher variability of the estimator. Default is r = 3 and r = 1,2 are also good choices although may lead to underestimates of the variance. r > 5 is not recommended.


logical; show the Monte Carlo error of the sample transformed back to the scale of the data (TRUE) or on the sampling scale (this requires the argument keep_scaled_mcmc = TRUE to be set when fitting the model)


optional; list of parameters passed to plot()


optional; list of parameters passed to abline()


number of characters the variable names are abbreviated to


An object of class MCElist with elements unscaled, scaled and digits. The first two are matrices with columns est (posterior mean), MCSE (Monte Carlo error), SD (posterior standard deviation) and MCSE/SD (Monte Carlo error divided by post. standard deviation.)


  • plot(MCElist): plot Monte Carlo error


Lesaffre & Lawson (2012; p. 195) suggest the Monte Carlo error of a parameter should not be more than 5% of the posterior standard deviation of this parameter (i.e., MCSE/SD0.05MCSE/SD \le 0.05).

Long variable names:
The default plot margins may not be wide enough when variable names are longer than a few characters. The plot margin can be adjusted (globally) using the argument "mar" in par.


Lesaffre, E., & Lawson, A. B. (2012). Bayesian Biostatistics. John Wiley & Sons.

See Also

The vignette Parameter Selection provides some examples how to specify the argument subset.


## Not run: 

mod <- lm_imp(y ~ C1 + C2 + M2, data = wideDF, n.iter = 100)


plot(MC_error(mod), ablinepars = list(lty = 2),
     plotpars = list(pch = 19, col = 'blue'))

## End(Not run)

Missing data pattern


Obtain a plot of the pattern of missing data and/or return the pattern as a matrix.


md_pattern(data, color = c(grDevices::grey(0.1), grDevices::grey(0.7)),
  border = grDevices::grey(0.5), plot = TRUE, pattern = FALSE,
  print_xaxis = TRUE, ylab = "Number of observations per pattern",
  print_yaxis = TRUE, legend.position = "bottom", sort_columns = TRUE,



data frame


vector of length two, that specifies the colour used to indicate observed and missing values (in that order)


colour of the grid


logical; should the missing data pattern be plotted? (default is TRUE)


logical; should the missing data pattern be returned as matrix? (default is FALSE)

print_xaxis, print_yaxis

logical; should the x-axis (below the plot) and y-axis (on the right) be printed?


y-axis label


the position of legends ("none", "left", "right", "bottom", "top", or two-element numeric vector)


logical; should the columns be sorted by number of missing values? (default is TRUE)


optional additional parameters, currently not used


This function requires the ggplot2 package to be installed.

See Also

See the vignette Visualizing Incomplete Data for more examples.


op <- par(mar = c(3, 1, 1.5, 1.5), mgp = c(2, 0.6, 0))

Joint Analysis and Imputation of incomplete data


Main analysis functions to estimate different types of models using MCMC sampling, while imputing missing values.


lm_imp(formula, data, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 100, n.iter = 0,
  thin = 1, monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE), auxvars = NULL,
  refcats = NULL, models = NULL, no_model = NULL, shrinkage = FALSE,
  ppc = TRUE, seed = NULL, inits = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE,

glm_imp(formula, family, data, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 100, n.iter = 0,
  thin = 1, monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE), auxvars = NULL,
  refcats = NULL, models = NULL, no_model = NULL, shrinkage = FALSE,
  ppc = TRUE, seed = NULL, inits = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE,

clm_imp(formula, data, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 100, n.iter = 0,
  thin = 1, monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE), auxvars = NULL,
  refcats = NULL, nonprop = NULL, rev = NULL, models = NULL,
  no_model = NULL, shrinkage = FALSE, ppc = TRUE, seed = NULL,
  inits = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)

lognorm_imp(formula, data, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 100, n.iter = 0,
  thin = 1, monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE), auxvars = NULL,
  refcats = NULL, models = NULL, no_model = NULL, shrinkage = FALSE,
  ppc = TRUE, seed = NULL, inits = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE,

betareg_imp(formula, data, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 100, n.iter = 0,
  thin = 1, monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE), auxvars = NULL,
  refcats = NULL, models = NULL, no_model = NULL, shrinkage = FALSE,
  ppc = TRUE, seed = NULL, inits = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE,

mlogit_imp(formula, data, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 100, n.iter = 0,
  thin = 1, monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE), auxvars = NULL,
  refcats = NULL, models = NULL, no_model = NULL, shrinkage = FALSE,
  ppc = TRUE, seed = NULL, inits = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE,

lme_imp(fixed, data, random, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 100, n.iter = 0,
  thin = 1, monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE), auxvars = NULL,
  refcats = NULL, rd_vcov = "blockdiag", models = NULL,
  no_model = NULL, shrinkage = FALSE, ppc = TRUE, seed = NULL,
  inits = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)

lmer_imp(fixed, data, random, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 100, n.iter = 0,
  thin = 1, monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE), auxvars = NULL,
  refcats = NULL, rd_vcov = "blockdiag", models = NULL,
  no_model = NULL, shrinkage = FALSE, ppc = TRUE, seed = NULL,
  inits = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)

glme_imp(fixed, data, random, family, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 100,
  n.iter = 0, thin = 1, monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE),
  auxvars = NULL, refcats = NULL, rd_vcov = "blockdiag", models = NULL,
  no_model = NULL, shrinkage = FALSE, ppc = TRUE, seed = NULL,
  inits = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)

glmer_imp(fixed, data, random, family, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 100,
  n.iter = 0, thin = 1, monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE),
  auxvars = NULL, refcats = NULL, rd_vcov = "blockdiag", models = NULL,
  no_model = NULL, shrinkage = FALSE, ppc = TRUE, seed = NULL,
  inits = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)

betamm_imp(fixed, random, data, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 100, n.iter = 0,
  thin = 1, monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE), auxvars = NULL,
  refcats = NULL, rd_vcov = "blockdiag", models = NULL,
  no_model = NULL, shrinkage = FALSE, ppc = TRUE, seed = NULL,
  inits = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)

lognormmm_imp(fixed, random, data, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 100,
  n.iter = 0, thin = 1, monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE),
  auxvars = NULL, refcats = NULL, rd_vcov = "blockdiag", models = NULL,
  no_model = NULL, shrinkage = FALSE, ppc = TRUE, seed = NULL,
  inits = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)

clmm_imp(fixed, data, random, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 100, n.iter = 0,
  thin = 1, monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE), auxvars = NULL,
  refcats = NULL, nonprop = NULL, rev = NULL, rd_vcov = "blockdiag",
  models = NULL, no_model = NULL, shrinkage = FALSE, ppc = TRUE,
  seed = NULL, inits = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)

mlogitmm_imp(fixed, data, random, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 100,
  n.iter = 0, thin = 1, monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE),
  auxvars = NULL, refcats = NULL, rd_vcov = "blockdiag", models = NULL,
  no_model = NULL, shrinkage = FALSE, ppc = TRUE, seed = NULL,
  inits = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)

survreg_imp(formula, data, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 100, n.iter = 0,
  thin = 1, monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE), auxvars = NULL,
  refcats = NULL, models = NULL, no_model = NULL, shrinkage = FALSE,
  ppc = TRUE, seed = NULL, inits = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE,

coxph_imp(formula, data, df_basehaz = 6, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 100,
  n.iter = 0, thin = 1, monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE),
  auxvars = NULL, refcats = NULL, models = NULL, no_model = NULL,
  shrinkage = FALSE, ppc = TRUE, seed = NULL, inits = NULL,
  warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)

JM_imp(formula, data, df_basehaz = 6, n.chains = 3, n.adapt = 100,
  n.iter = 0, thin = 1, monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE),
  auxvars = NULL, timevar = NULL, refcats = NULL,
  rd_vcov = "blockdiag", models = NULL, no_model = NULL,
  assoc_type = NULL, shrinkage = FALSE, ppc = TRUE, seed = NULL,
  inits = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)



a two sided model formula (see formula) or a list of such formulas; (more details below).


a data.frame containing the original data (more details below)


number of MCMC chains


number of iterations for adaptation of the MCMC samplers (see adapt)


number of iterations of the MCMC chain (after adaptation; see coda.samples)


thinning interval (integer; see window.mcmc). For example, thin = 1 (default) will keep the MCMC samples from all iterations; thin = 5 would only keep every 5th iteration.


named list or vector specifying which parameters should be monitored (more details below)


optional; one-sided formula of variables that should be used as predictors in the imputation procedure (and will be imputed if necessary) but are not part of the analysis model(s). For more details with regards to the behaviour with non-linear effects see the vignette on Model Specification


optional; either one of "first", "last", "largest" (which sets the category for all categorical variables) or a named list specifying which category should be used as reference category per categorical variable. Options are the category label, the category number, or one of "first" (the first category), "last" (the last category) or "largest" (chooses the category with the most observations). Default is "first". If reference categories are specified for a subset of the categorical variables the default will be used for the remaining variables. (See also set_refcat)


optional; named vector specifying the types of models for (incomplete) covariates. This arguments replaces the argument meth used in earlier versions. If NULL (default) models will be determined automatically based on the class of the respective columns of data.


optional; vector of names of variables for which no model should be specified. Note that this is only possible for completely observed variables and implies the assumptions of independence between the excluded variable and the incomplete variables.


optional; either a character string naming the shrinkage method to be used for regression coefficients in all models or a named vector specifying the type of shrinkage to be used in the models given as names.


logical: should monitors for posterior predictive checks be set? (not yet used)


optional; seed value (for reproducibility)


optional; specification of initial values in the form of a list or a function (see jags.model). If omitted, starting values for the random number generator are created by JointAI, initial values are then generated by JAGS. It is an error to supply an initial value for an observed node.


logical; should warnings be given? Default is TRUE.


logical; should messages be given? Default is TRUE.


additional, optional arguments


named list specifying limits of truncation for the distribution of the named incomplete variables (see the vignette ModelSpecification)


list of hyper-parameters, as obtained by default_hyperpars()


named vector of (continuous) variables that will be centred and scaled (such that mean = 0 and sd = 1) when they enter a linear predictor to improve convergence of the MCMC sampling. Default is that all numeric variables and integer variables with >20 different values will be scaled. If set to FALSE no scaling will be done.


named list of JAGS model chunks (character strings) that replace the model for the given variable.


list that will be appended to the list containing the data that is passed to rjags (data_list). This may be necessary if additional data / variables are needed for custom (covariate) models.

character string specifying the type of progress bar. Possible values are "text" (default), "gui", and "none" (see update). Note: when sampling is performed in parallel it is not possible to display a progress bar.


logical; if TRUE then messages generated by rjags during compilation as well as the progress bar for the adaptive phase will be suppressed, (see jags.model)


should the "original" MCMC sample (i.e., the scaled version returned by coda.samples()) be kept? (The MCMC sample that is re-scaled to the scale of the data is always kept.)


character string specifying the name of the model file (including the ending, either .R or .txt). If unspecified a random name will be generated.


directory containing the model file or directory in which the model file should be written. If unspecified a temporary directory will be created.


logical; whether an existing model file with the specified <modeldir>/<modelname> should be overwritten. If set to FALSE and a model already exists, that model will be used. If unspecified (NULL) and a file exists, the user is asked for input on how to proceed.


logical; whether the created JAGS model file should be saved or removed from (FALSE; default) when the sampling has finished.


only for glm_imp and glmm_imp/glmer_imp: a description of the distribution and link function to be used in the model. This can be a character string naming a family function, a family function or the result of a call to a family function. (For more details see below and family.)


optional named list of one-sided formulas specifying covariates that have non-proportional effects in cumulative logit models. These covariates should also be part of the regular model formula, and the names of the list should be the names of the ordinal response variables.


optional character vector; vector of ordinal outcome variable names for which the odds should be reversed, i.e., logit(yk)logit(y\le k) instead of logit(y>k)logit(y > k).


a two sided formula describing the fixed-effects part of the model (see formula)


only for multi-level models: a one-sided formula of the form ~x1 + ... + xn | g, where x1 + ... + xn specifies the model for the random effects and g the grouping variable


character string or list specifying the structure of the random effects variance covariance matrix, see details below.


degrees of freedom for the B-spline used to model the baseline hazard in proportional hazards models (coxph_imp and JM_imp)


name of the variable indicating the time of the measurement of a time-varying covariate in a proportional hazards survival model (also in a joint model). The variable specified in "timevar" will automatically be added to "no_model".


named vector specifying the type of the association used for a time-varying covariate in the linear predictor of the survival model when using a "JM" model. Implemented options are "underl.value" (linear predictor; default for covariates modelled using a Gaussian, Gamma, beta or log-normal distribution) covariates) and "obs.value" (the observed/imputed value; default for covariates modelled using other distributions).


An object of class JointAI.

Model formulas

Random effects

It is possible to specify multi-level models as it is done in the package nlme, using fixed and random, or as it is done in the package lme4, using formula and specifying the random effects in brackets:

formula = y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + (1 | id)

is equivalent to

fixed = y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, random = ~ 1|id

Multiple levels of grouping

For multiple levels of grouping the specification using formula should be used. There is no distinction between nested and crossed random effects, i.e., ... + (1 | id) + (1 | center) is treated the same as ... + (1 | center/id).

Nested vs crossed random effects

The distinction between nested and crossed random effects should come from the levels of the grouping variables, i.e., if id is nested in center, then there cannot be observations with the same id but different values for center.

Modelling multiple models simultaneously & joint models

To fit multiple main models at the same time, a list of formula objects can be passed to the argument formula. Outcomes of one model may be contained as covariates in another model and it is possible to combine models for variables on different levels, for example:

formula = list(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + time + (time | id),
                     x2 ~ x3 + x4 + x5)

This principle is also used for the specification of a joint model for longitudinal and survival data.

Note that it is not possible to specify multiple models for the same outcome variable.

Random effects variance-covariance structure

(Note: This feature is new and has not been fully tested yet.)

By default, a block-diagonal structure is assumed for the variance-covariance matrices of the random effects in models with random effects. This means that per outcome and level random effects are assumed to be correlated, but random effects of different outcomes are modelled as independent. The argument rd_vcov allows the user specify different assumptions about these variance-covariance matrices. Implemented structures are full, blockdiag and indep (all off-diagonal elements are zero).

If rd_vcov is set to one of these options, the structure is assumed for all random effects variance-covariance matrices. Alternatively, it is possible to specify a named list of vectors, where the names are the structures and the vectors contain the names of the response variables which are included in this structure.

For example, for a multivariate mixed model with five outcomes y1, ..., y5, the specification could be:

rd_vcov = list(blockdiag = c("y1", "y2"),
               full = c("y3", "y4"),
               indep = "y5")

This would entail that the random effects for y3 and y4 are assumed to be correlated (within and across outcomes), random effects for y1 and y2 are assumed to be correlated within each outcome, and the random effects for y5 are assumed to be independent.

It is possible to have multiple sets of response variables for which separate full variance-covariance matrices are used, for example:

rd_vcov = list(full = c("y1", "y2", "y5"),
               full = c("y3", "y4"))

In models with multiple levels of nesting, separate structures can be specified per level:

rd_vcov = list(id = list(blockdiag = c("y1", "y2"),
                         full = c("y3", "y4"),
                         indep = "y5"),
              center = "indep")

Survival models with frailties or time-varying covariates

Random effects specified in brackets can also be used to indicate a multi-level structure in survival models, as would, for instance be needed in a multi-centre setting, where patients are from multiple hospitals.

It also allows to model time-dependent covariates in a proportional hazards survival model (using coxph_imp), also in combination with additional grouping levels.

In time-dependent proportional hazards models, last-observation-carried-forward is used to fill in missing values in the time-varying covariates, and to determine the value of the covariate at the event time. Preferably, all time-varying covariates should be measured at baseline (timevar = 0). If a value for a time-varying covariate needs to be filled in and there is no previous observation, the next observation will be carried backward.

Differences to basic regression models

It is not possible to specify transformations of outcome variables, i.e., it is not possible to use a model formula like

log(y) ~ x1 + x2 + ...

In the specific case of a transformation with the natural logarithm, a log-normal model can be used instead of a normal model.

Moreover, it is not possible to use . to indicate that all variables in a data.frame other than the outcome variable should be used as covariates. I.e., a formula y ~ . is not valid in JointAI.

Data structure

For multi-level settings, the data must be in long format, so that repeated measurements are recorded in separate rows.

For survival data with time-varying covariates (coxph_imp and JM_imp) the data should also be in long format. The survival/censoring times and event indicator variables must be stored in separate variables in the same data and should be constant across all rows referring to the same subject.

During the pre-processing of the data the survival/censoring times will automatically be merged with the observation times of the time-varying covariates (which must be supplied via the argument timevar).

It is possible to have multiple time-varying covariates, which do not have to be measured at the same time points, but there can only be one timevar.

Distribution families and link functions

gaussian with links: identity, log
binomial with links: logit, probit, log, cloglog
Gamma with links: inverse, identity, log
poisson with links: log, identity

Imputation methods / model types

Implemented model types that can be chosen in the argument models for baseline covariates (not repeatedly measured) are:

lm linear (normal) model with identity link (alternatively: glm_gaussian_identity); default for continuous variables
glm_gaussian_log linear (normal) model with log link
glm_gaussian_inverse linear (normal) model with inverse link
glm_logit logistic model for binary data (alternatively: glm_binomial_logit); default for binary variables
glm_probit probit model for binary data (alternatively: glm_binomial_probit)
glm_binomial_log binomial model with log link
glm_binomial_cloglog binomial model with complementary log-log link
glm_gamma_inverse gamma model with inverse link for skewed continuous data
glm_gamma_identity gamma model with identity link for skewed continuous data
glm_gamma_log gamma model with log link for skewed continuous data
glm_poisson_log Poisson model with log link for count data
glm_poisson_identity Poisson model with identity link for count data
lognorm log-normal model for skewed continuous data
beta beta model (with logit link) for skewed continuous data in (0, 1)
mlogit multinomial logit model for unordered categorical variables; default for unordered factors with >2 levels
clm cumulative logit model for ordered categorical variables; default for ordered factors

For repeatedly measured variables the following model types are available:

lmm linear (normal) mixed model with identity link (alternatively: glmm_gaussian_identity); default for continuous variables
glmm_gaussian_log linear (normal) mixed model with log link
glmm_gaussian_inverse linear (normal) mixed model with inverse link
glmm_logit logistic mixed model for binary data (alternatively: glmm_binomial_logit); default for binary variables
glmm_probit probit model for binary data (alternatively: glmm_binomial_probit)
glmm_binomial_log binomial mixed model with log link
glmm_binomial_cloglog binomial mixed model with complementary log-log link
glmm_gamma_inverse gamma mixed model with inverse link for skewed continuous data
glmm_gamma_identity gamma mixed model with identity link for skewed continuous data
glmm_gamma_log gamma mixed model with log link for skewed continuous data
glmm_poisson_log Poisson mixed model with log link for count data
glmm_poisson_identity Poisson mixed model with identity link for count data
glmm_lognorm log-normal mixed model for skewed covariates
glmm_beta beta mixed model for continuous data in (0, 1)
mlogitmm multinomial logit mixed model for unordered categorical variables; default for unordered factors with >2 levels
clmm cumulative logit mixed model for ordered factors; default for ordered factors

When models are specified for only a subset of the variables for which a model is needed, the default model choices (as indicated in the tables) are used for the unspecified variables.

Parameters to follow (monitor_params)

See also the vignette: Parameter Selection

Named vector specifying which parameters should be monitored. This can be done either directly by specifying the name of the parameter or indirectly by one of the key words selecting a set of parameters. Except for other, in which parameter names are specified directly, parameter (groups) are just set as TRUE or FALSE.

Models are divided into two groups, the main models, which are the models for which the user has explicitly specified a formula (via formula or fixed), and all other models, for which models were specified automatically.

If left unspecified, monitor_params = c("analysis_main" = TRUE) will be used.

name/key word what is monitored
analysis_main betas and sigma_main, tau_main (for beta regression) or shape_main (for parametric survival models), gamma_main (for cumulative logit models), D_main (for multi-level models) and basehaz in proportional hazards models)
analysis_random ranef_main, D_main, invD_main, RinvD_main
other_models alphas, tau_other, gamma_other, delta_other
imps imputed values
betas regression coefficients of the main analysis model
tau_main precision of the residuals from the main analysis model(s)
sigma_main standard deviation of the residuals from the main analysis model(s)
gamma_main intercepts in ordinal main model(s)
delta_main increments of ordinal main model(s)
ranef_main random effects from the main analysis model(s) b
D_main covariance matrix of the random effects from the main model(s)
invD_main inverse(s) of D_main
RinvD_main matrices in the priors for invD_main
alphas regression coefficients in the covariate models
tau_other precision parameters of the residuals from covariate models
gamma_other intercepts in ordinal covariate models
delta_other increments of ordinal intercepts
ranef_other random effects from the other models b
D_other covariance matrix of the random effects from the other models
invD_other inverses of D_other
RinvD_other matrices in the priors for invD_other
other additional parameters

For example:
monitor_params = c(analysis_main = TRUE, tau_main = TRUE, sigma_main = FALSE) would monitor the regression parameters betas and the residual precision tau_main instead of the residual standard deviation sigma_main.

For a linear model, monitor_params = c(imps = TRUE) would monitor betas, and sigma_main (because analysis_main = TRUE by default) as well as the imputed values.

Cumulative logit (mixed) models

In the default setting for cumulative logit models, i.e, rev = NULL, the odds for a variable \(y\) with \(K\) ordered categories are defined as \[\log\left(\frac{P(y_i > k)}{P(y_i \leq k)}\right) = \gamma_k + \eta_i, \quad k = 1, \ldots, K-1,\] where \(\gamma_k\) is a category specific intercept and \(\eta_i\) the subject specific linear predictor.

To reverse the odds to \[\log\left(\frac{P(y_i \leq k)}{P(y_i > k)}\right) = \gamma_k + \eta_i, \quad k = 1, \ldots, K-1,\] the name of the response variable has to be specified in the argument rev, e.g., rev = c("y").

By default, proportional odds are assumed and only the intercepts differ per category of the ordinal response. To allow for non-proportional odds, i.e., \[\log\left(\frac{P(y_i > k)}{P(y_i \leq k)}\right) = \gamma_k + \eta_i + \eta_{ki}, \quad k = 1, \ldots, K-1,\] the argument nonprop can be specified. It takes a one-sided formula or a list of one-sided formulas. When a single formula is supplied, or a unnamed list with just one element, it is assumed that the formula corresponds to the main model. To specify non-proportional effects for linear predictors in models for ordinal covariates, the list has to be named with the names of the ordinal response variables.

For example, the following three specifications are equivalent and assume a non-proportional effect of C1 on O1, but C1 is assumed to have a proportional effect on the incomplete ordinal covariate O2:

clm_imp(O1 ~ C1 + C2 + B2 + O2, data = wideDF, nonprop = ~ C1)
clm_imp(O1 ~ C1 + C2 + B2 + O2, data = wideDF, nonprop = list(~ C1))
clm_imp(O1 ~ C1 + C2 + B2 + O2, data = wideDF, nonprop = list(O1 = ~ C1))

To specify non-proportional effects on O2, a named list has to be provided:

clm_imp(O1 ~ C1 + C2 + B2 + O2 + B1, data = wideDF,
        nonprop = list(O1 = ~ C1,
                       O2 = ~ C1 + B1))

The variables for which a non-proportional effect is assumed also have to be part of the regular model formula.

Custom model parts

(Note: This feature is experimental and has not been fully tested yet.)

Via the argument custom it is possible to provide custom sub-models that replace the sub-models that are automatically generated by JointAI.

Using this feature it is, for instance, possible to use the value of a repeatedly measured variable at a specific time point as covariate in another model. An example would be the use of "baseline" cholesterol (chol at day = 0) as covariate in a survival model.

First, the variable chol0 is added to the PBC data. For most patients the value of cholesterol at baseline is observed, but not for all. It is important that the data has a row with day = 0 for each patient.

PBC <- merge(PBC,
             subset(PBC, day == 0, select = c("id", "chol")),
             by = "id", suffixes = c("", "0"))

Next, the custom piece of JAGS model syntax needs to be specified. We loop here only over the patients for which the baseline cholesterol is missing.

calc_chol0 <- "
for (ii in 1:28) {
  M_id[row_chol0_id[ii], 3] <- M_lvlone[row_chol0_lvlone[ii], 1]

To be able to run the model with the custom imputation "model" for baseline cholesterol we need to provide the numbers of the rows in the data matrices that contain the missing values of baseline cholesterol and the rows that contain the imputed cholesterol at day = 0:

row_chol0_lvlone <- which(PBC$day == 0 &$chol0))
row_chol0_id <- match(PBC$id, unique(PBC$id))[row_chol0_lvlone]

Then we pass both the custom sub-model and the additional data to the analysis function coxph_imp(). Note that we explicitly need to specify the model for chol.

coxph_imp(list(Surv(futime, status != "censored") ~ age + sex + chol0,
               chol ~ age + sex + day + (day | id)),
          no_model = "day", data = PBC,
          append_data_list = list(row_chol0_lvlone = row_chol0_lvlone,
                                  row_chol0_id = row_chol0_id),
          custom = list(chol0 = calc_chol0))


Coding of variables:

The default covariate (imputation) models are chosen based on the class of each of the variables, distinguishing between numeric, factor with two levels, unordered factor with >2 levels and ordered factor with >2 levels.

When a continuous variable has only two different values it is assumed to be binary and its coding and default (imputation) model will be changed accordingly. This behaviour can be overwritten specifying a model type via the argument models.

Variables of type logical are automatically converted to unordered factors.


JointAI version \(\geq\) 1.0.0 uses the globally (via options("contrasts")) specified contrasts. However, for incomplete categorical variables, for which the contrasts need to be re-calculated within the JAGS model, currently only contr.treatment and contr.sum are possible. Therefore, when an in complete ordinal covariate is used and the default contrasts (contr.poly()) are set to be used for ordered factors, a warning message is printed and dummy coding (contr.treatment()) is used for that variable instead.

Non-linear effects and transformation of variables:

JointAI handles non-linear effects, transformation of covariates and interactions the following way:
When, for instance, a model formula contains the function log(x) and x has missing values, x will be imputed and used in the linear predictor of models for which no formula was specified, i.e., it is assumed that the other variables have a linear association with x. The log() of the observed and imputed values of x is calculated and used in the linear predictor of the main analysis model.

If, instead of using log(x) in the model formula, a pre-calculated variable logx is used, this variable is imputed directly and used in the linear predictors of all models, implying that variables that have logx in their linear predictors have a linear association with logx but not with x.

When different transformations of the same incomplete variable are used in one model it is strongly discouraged to calculate these transformations beforehand and supply them as different variables. If, for example, a model formula contains both x and x2 (where x2 = x^2), they are treated as separate variables and imputed with separate models. Imputed values of x2 are thus not equal to the square of imputed values of x. Instead, x and I(x^2) should be used in the model formula. Then only x is imputed and x^2 is calculated from the imputed values of x internally.

The same applies to interactions involving incomplete variables.

Sequence of models:

Models generated automatically (i.e., not mentioned in formula or fixed are specified in a sequence based on the level of the outcome of the respective model in the multi-level hierarchy and within each level according to the number of missing values. This means that level-1 variables have all level-2, level-3, ... variables in their linear predictor, and variables on the highest level only have variables from the same level in their linear predictor. Within each level, the variable with the most missing values has the most variables in its linear predictor.

Not (yet) possible:

  • prediction (using predict) conditional on random effects

  • the use of splines for incomplete variables

  • the use of (or equivalents for) pspline, or strata in survival models

  • left censored or interval censored data

See Also

set_refcat, traceplot, densplot, summary.JointAI, MC_error, GR_crit, predict.JointAI, add_samples, JointAIObject, add_samples, parameters, list_models



# Example 1: Linear regression with incomplete covariates
mod1 <- lm_imp(y ~ C1 + C2 + M1 + B1, data = wideDF, n.iter = 100)

# Example 2: Logistic regression with incomplete covariates
mod2 <- glm_imp(B1 ~ C1 + C2 + M1, data = wideDF,
                family = binomial(link = "logit"), n.iter = 100)

## Not run: 

# Example 3: Linear mixed model with incomplete covariates
mod3 <- lme_imp(y ~ C1 + B2 + c1 + time, random = ~ time|id,
                data = longDF, n.iter = 300)

# Example 4: Parametric Weibull survival model
mod4 <- survreg_imp(Surv(time, status) ~ age + sex + + wt.loss,
                    data = survival::lung, n.iter = 100)

# Example 5: Proportional hazards survival model
mod5 <- coxph_imp(Surv(time, status) ~ age + sex + + wt.loss,
                    data = survival::lung, n.iter = 200)

# Example 6: Joint model for longitudinal and survival data
mod6 <- JM_imp(list(Surv(futime, status != 'censored') ~ age + sex +
                    albumin + copper + trig + (1 | id),
                    albumin ~ day + age + sex + (day | id)),
                    timevar = 'day', data = PBC, n.iter = 100)

# Example 7: Proportional hazards  model with a time-dependent covariate
mod7 <- coxph_imp(Surv(futime, status != 'censored') ~ age + sex + copper +
                  trig + stage + (1 | id),
                  timevar = 'day', data = PBC, n.iter = 100)

# Example 8: Parallel computation
# If no strategy how the "future" should be handled is specified, the
# MCMC chains are run sequentially.
# To run MCMC chains in parallel, a strategy can be specified using the
# package \pkg{future} (see ?future::plan), for example:
future::plan(future::multisession, workers = 4)
mod8 <- lm_imp(y ~ C1 + C2 + B2, data = wideDF, n.iter = 500, n.chains = 8)
# To re-set the strategy to sequential computation, the sequential strategy
# can be specified:

## End(Not run)

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Data


This data is a small subset of the data collected within the 2011-2012 wave of the NHANES study, a study designed to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the United States, conduced by the National Center for Health Statistics.




A data frame with 186 rows and 13 variables:


systolic blood pressure


male or female


in years


race / Hispanic origin (5 categories)


waist circumference in cm


alcohol consumption (binary: <1 drink per week vs. >= 1 drink per week)


educational level (binary: low vs. high)


creatinine concentration in mg/dL


albumin concentration in g/dL


uric acid concentration in mg/dL


bilirubin concentration in mg/dL


occupational status (3 categories)


smoking status (3 ordered categories)


The subset provided here was selected and re-coded to facilitate demonstration of the functionality of the JointAI package, and no clinical conclusions should be derived from it.


National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) (2011 - 2012). National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data. URL



Parameter names of an JointAI object


Returns the names of the parameters/nodes of an object of class 'JointAI' for which a monitor is set.


parameters(object, expand_ranef = FALSE, mess = TRUE, warn = TRUE, ...)



object inheriting from class 'JointAI'


logical; should all elements of the random effects vectors/matrices be shown separately?


logical; should messages be given? Default is TRUE.


logical; should warnings be given? Default is TRUE.


currently not used


# (This function does not need MCMC samples to work, so we will set
# n.adapt = 0 and n.iter = 0 to reduce computational time)
mod1 <- lm_imp(y ~ C1 + C2 + M2 + O2 + B2, data = wideDF, n.adapt = 0,
               n.iter = 0, mess = FALSE)


PBC data


Data from the Mayo Clinic trial in primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) of the liver. This dataset was obtained from the survival package: the variables copper and trig from survival::pbc were merged into survival::pbcseq and several categorical variables were re-coded.


PBC: A data frame of 312 individuals in long format with 1945 rows and 21 variables.

Survival outcome and id


case number


number of days between registration and the earlier of death, transplantation, or end of follow-up


status at endpoint ("censored", "transplant" or "dead")

Baseline covariates


D-pen (D-penicillamine) vs placebo


in years


male or female


urine copper (μ\mug/day)


triglycerides (mg/dl)

Time-varying covariates


number of days between enrolment and this visit date; all measurements below refer to this date


serum albumin (mg/dl)


alkaline phosphatase (U/liter)


presence of ascites


aspartate aminotransferase (U/ml)


serum bilirubin (mg/dl)


serum cholesterol (mg/dl)


"no": no oedema, "(un)treated": untreated or successfully treated 1 oedema, "edema": oedema despite diuretic therapy


presence of hepatomegaly (enlarged liver)


platelet count


standardised blood clotting time


blood vessel malformations in the skin


histologic stage of disease (4 levels)



Visualize the distribution of all variables in the dataset


This function plots a grid of histograms (for continuous variables) and bar plots (for categorical variables) and labels it with the proportion of missing values in each variable.


plot_all(data, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, fill = grDevices::grey(0.8),
  border = "black", allNA = FALSE, idvars = NULL, xlab = "",
  ylab = "frequency", ...)



a data.frame (or a matrix)


optional; number of rows in the plot layout; automatically chosen if unspecified


optional; number of columns in the plot layout; automatically chosen if unspecified


colour the histograms and bars are filled with


colour of the borders of the histograms and bars


logical; if FALSE (default) the proportion of missing values is only given for variables that have missing values, if TRUE it is given for all variables


name of the column that specifies the multi-level grouping structure

xlab, ylab

labels for the x- and y-axis


additional parameters passed to barplot and hist

See Also

Vignette: Visualizing Incomplete Data


op <- par(mar = c(2,2,3,1), mgp = c(2, 0.6, 0))

Plot the distribution of observed and imputed values


Plots densities and bar plots of the observed and imputed values in a long-format dataset (multiple imputed datasets stacked onto each other).


plot_imp_distr(data, imp = "Imputation_", id = ".id", rownr = ".rownr",
  ncol = NULL, nrow = NULL, labeller = NULL)



a data.frame containing multiple imputations and the original incomplete data stacked onto each other


the name of the variable specifying the imputation indicator


the name of the variable specifying the subject indicator


the name of a variable identifying which rows correspond to the same observation in the original (un-imputed) data


optional; number of columns in the plot layout; automatically chosen if unspecified


optional; number of rows in the plot layout; automatically chosen if unspecified


optional labeller to be passed to ggplot2::facet_wrap() to change the facet labels


## Not run: 
mod <- lme_imp(y ~ C1 + c2 + B2 + C2, random = ~ 1 | id, data = longDF,
               n.iter = 200, monitor_params = c(imps = TRUE), mess = FALSE)
impDF <- get_MIdat(mod, m = 5)
plot_imp_distr(impDF, id = "id", ncol = 3)

## End(Not run)

Plot an object object inheriting from class 'JointAI'


Plot an object object inheriting from class 'JointAI'


## S3 method for class 'JointAI'
plot(x, ...)



object inheriting from class 'JointAI'


currently not used


Currently, plot() can only be used with (generalized) linear (mixed) models.


mod <- lm_imp(y ~ C1 + C2 + B1, data = wideDF, n.iter = 100)

Predict values from an object of class JointAI


Obtains predictions and corresponding credible intervals from an object of class 'JointAI'.


## S3 method for class 'JointAI'
predict(object, outcome = 1L, newdata,
  quantiles = c(0.025, 0.975), type = "lp", start = NULL, end = NULL,
  thin = NULL, exclude_chains = NULL, mess = TRUE, warn = TRUE,
  return_sample = FALSE, ...)



object inheriting from class 'JointAI'


vector of variable names or integers identifying for which outcome(s) the prediction should be performed.


optional new dataset for prediction. If left empty, the original data is used.


quantiles of the predicted distribution of the outcome


the type of prediction. The default is on the scale of the linear predictor ("link" or "lp"). Additionally, for generalized linear (mixed) models (incl. beta and log-normal) type = "response" transforms the predicted values to the scale of the response, and for ordinal and multinomial (mixed) models type may be "prob" (to obtain probabilities per class), "class" to obtain the class with the highest posterior probability, or "lp". For parametric survival models type can be "lp" or "response", and for proportional hazards survival models the options are "lp", "risk" (= exp(lp)), "survival" or "expected" (= -log(survival)).


the first iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


the last iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


thinning interval (integer; see window.mcmc). For example, thin = 1 (default) will keep the MCMC samples from all iterations; thin = 5 would only keep every 5th iteration.


optional vector of the index numbers of chains that should be excluded


logical; should messages be given? Default is TRUE.


logical; should warnings be given? Default is TRUE.


logical; should the full sample on which the summary (mean and quantiles) is calculated be returned?#'


currently not used


A model.matrix XX is created from the model formula (currently fixed effects only) and newdata. XβX\beta is then calculated for each iteration of the MCMC sample in object, i.e., XβX\beta has n.iter rows and nrow(newdata) columns. A subset of the MCMC sample can be selected using start, end and thin.


A list with entries dat, fit and quantiles, where fit contains the predicted values (mean over the values calculated from the iterations of the MCMC sample), quantiles contain the specified quantiles (by default 2.5% and 97.5%), and dat is newdata, extended with fit and quantiles (unless prediction for an ordinal outcome is done with type = "prob", in which case the quantiles are an array with three dimensions and are therefore not included in dat).


  • So far, predict cannot calculate predicted values for cases with missing values in covariates. Predicted values for such cases are NA.

  • For repeated measures models prediction currently only uses fixed effects.

Functionality will be extended in the future.

See Also

predDF.JointAI, *_imp


# fit model
mod <- lm_imp(y ~ C1 + C2 + I(C2^2), data = wideDF, n.iter = 100)

# calculate the fitted values
fit <- predict(mod)

# create dataset for prediction
newDF <- predDF(mod, vars = ~ C2)

# obtain predicted values
pred <- predict(mod, newdata = newDF)

# plot predicted values and 95% confidence band
matplot(newDF$C2, pred$fitted, lty = c(1, 2, 2), type = "l", col = 1,
xlab = 'C2', ylab = 'predicted values')

Summarize the results from an object of class JointAI


Obtain and print the summary, (fixed effects) coefficients (coef) and credible interval (confint) for an object of class 'JointAI'.


## S3 method for class 'Dmat'
print(x, digits = getOption("digits"),
  scientific = getOption("scipen"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'JointAI'
summary(object, start = NULL, end = NULL, thin = NULL,
  quantiles = c(0.025, 0.975), subset = NULL, exclude_chains = NULL,
  outcome = NULL, missinfo = FALSE, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'summary.JointAI'
print(x, digits = max(3, .Options$digits - 4), ...)

## S3 method for class 'JointAI'
coef(object, start = NULL, end = NULL, thin = NULL,
  subset = NULL, exclude_chains = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'JointAI'
confint(object, parm = NULL, level = 0.95,
  quantiles = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL, thin = NULL,
  subset = NULL, exclude_chains = NULL, warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'JointAI'
print(x, digits = max(4, getOption("digits") - 4), ...)



an object of class summary.JointAI or JointAI


the minimum number of significant digits to be printed in values.


A penalty to be applied when deciding to print numeric values in fixed or exponential notation, by default the value obtained from getOption("scipen")


currently not used


object inheriting from class 'JointAI'


the first iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


the last iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


thinning interval (integer; see window.mcmc). For example, thin = 1 (default) will keep the MCMC samples from all iterations; thin = 5 would only keep every 5th iteration.


posterior quantiles


subset of parameters/variables/nodes (columns in the MCMC sample). Follows the same principle as the argument monitor_params in *_imp.


optional vector of the index numbers of chains that should be excluded


optional; vector identifying for which outcomes the summary should be given, either by specifying their indices, or their names (LHS of the respective model formulas as character string).


logical; should information on the number and proportion of missing values be included in the summary?


logical; should warnings be given? Default is TRUE.


logical; should messages be given? Default is TRUE.


same as subset (for consistency with confint method for other types of objects)


confidence level (default is 0.95)

See Also

The model fitting functions lm_imp, glm_imp, clm_imp, lme_imp, glme_imp, survreg_imp and coxph_imp, and the vignette Parameter Selection for examples how to specify the parameter subset.


## Not run: 
mod1 <- lm_imp(y ~ C1 + C2 + M2, data = wideDF, n.iter = 100)

summary(mod1, missinfo = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Extract the random effects variance covariance matrix Returns the posterior mean of the variance-covariance matrix/matrices of the random effects in a fitted JointAI object.


Extract the random effects variance covariance matrix Returns the posterior mean of the variance-covariance matrix/matrices of the random effects in a fitted JointAI object.


rd_vcov(object, outcome = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL, thin = NULL,
  exclude_chains = NULL, mess = TRUE, warn = TRUE)



object inheriting from class 'JointAI'


optional; vector of integers giving the indices of the outcomes for which the random effects variance-covariance matrix/matrices should be returned.


the first iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


the last iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


thinning interval (integer; see window.mcmc). For example, thin = 1 (default) will keep the MCMC samples from all iterations; thin = 5 would only keep every 5th iteration.


optional vector of the index numbers of chains that should be excluded


logical; should messages be given? Default is TRUE.


logical; should warnings be given? Default is TRUE.

Extract residuals from an object of class JointAI


Extract residuals from an object of class JointAI


## S3 method for class 'JointAI'
residuals(object, type = c("working", "pearson",
  "response"), warn = TRUE, ...)



object inheriting from class 'JointAI'


type of residuals: "deviance", "response", "working"


logical; should warnings be given? Default is TRUE.


currently not used


  • For mixed models residuals are currently calculated using the fixed effects only.

  • For ordinal (mixed) models and parametric survival models only type = "response" is available.

  • For Cox proportional hazards models residuals are not yet implemented.


mod <- glm_imp(B1 ~ C1 + C2 + O1, data = wideDF, n.iter = 100,
               family = binomial(), mess = FALSE)
summary(residuals(mod, type = 'response')[[1]])
summary(residuals(mod, type = 'working')[[1]])

Specify reference categories for all categorical covariates in the model


The function is a helper function that asks questions and, depending on the answers given by the user, returns the input for the argument refcats in the main analysis functions *_imp.


set_refcat(data, formula, covars, auxvars = NULL)



a data.frame


optional; model formula or a list of formulas (used to select subset of relevant columns of data)


optional; vector containing the names of relevant columns of data


optional; formula containing the names of relevant columns of data that should be considered additionally to the columns occurring in the formula


The arguments formula, covars and auxvars can be used to specify a subset of the data to be considered. If non of these arguments is specified, all variables in data will be considered.


## Not run: 
# Example 1: set reference categories for the whole dataset and choose
# answer option 3:
set_refcat(data = NHANES)

# insert the returned string as argument refcats
mod1 <- lm_imp(SBP ~ age + race + creat + educ, data = NHANES,
               refcats = 'largest')

# Example 2:
# specify a model formula
fmla <- SBP ~ age + gender + race + bili + smoke + alc

# write the output of set_refcat to an object
ref_mod2 <- set_refcat(data = NHANES, formula = fmla)

# enter the output in the model specification
mod2 <- lm_imp(formula = fmla, data = NHANES, refcats = ref_mod2,
               n.adapt = 0)

## End(Not run)

Parameters used by several functions in JointAI


Parameters used by several functions in JointAI



object inheriting from class 'JointAI'


optional; vector of names of variables for which no model should be specified. Note that this is only possible for completely observed variables and implies the assumptions of independence between the excluded variable and the incomplete variables.


name of the variable indicating the time of the measurement of a time-varying covariate in a proportional hazards survival model (also in a joint model). The variable specified in "timevar" will automatically be added to "no_model".


named vector specifying the type of the association used for a time-varying covariate in the linear predictor of the survival model when using a "JM" model. Implemented options are "underl.value" (linear predictor; default for covariates modelled using a Gaussian, Gamma, beta or log-normal distribution) covariates) and "obs.value" (the observed/imputed value; default for covariates modelled using other distributions).


subset of parameters/variables/nodes (columns in the MCMC sample). Follows the same principle as the argument monitor_params in *_imp.


optional vector of the index numbers of chains that should be excluded


the first iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


the last iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


number of iterations for adaptation of the MCMC samplers (see adapt)


number of iterations of the MCMC chain (after adaptation; see coda.samples)


number of MCMC chains


logical; if TRUE then messages generated by rjags during compilation as well as the progress bar for the adaptive phase will be suppressed, (see jags.model)

character string specifying the type of progress bar. Possible values are "text" (default), "gui", and "none" (see update). Note: when sampling is performed in parallel it is not possible to display a progress bar.


thinning interval (integer; see window.mcmc). For example, thin = 1 (default) will keep the MCMC samples from all iterations; thin = 5 would only keep every 5th iteration.


optional; number of rows in the plot layout; automatically chosen if unspecified


optional; number of columns in the plot layout; automatically chosen if unspecified


logical; Should ggplot be used instead of the base graphics?


logical; should warnings be given? Default is TRUE.


logical; should messages be given? Default is TRUE.

xlab, ylab

labels for the x- and y-axis


name of the column that specifies the multi-level grouping structure


optional; seed value (for reproducibility)


logical: should monitors for posterior predictive checks be set? (not yet used)


optional character string or list (of lists or character strings) specifying the structure of the variance covariance matrix/matrices of the random effects for multivariate mixed models. Options are ⁠"full⁠, "blockdiag" (default) and "indep". Different structures can be specified per grouping level (in multi-level models with more than two levels) by specifying a list with elements per grouping level. To specify different structures for different outcomes, a list (maybe nested in the list per grouping level) can be specified. This list should have the type of structure as names and contain vectors of variable names that belong to the respective structure.

Simulated Longitudinal Data in Long and Wide Format


This data was simulated to mimic data from a longitudinal cohort study following mothers and their child from birth until approximately 4 years of age. It contains 2400 observations of 200 mother-child pairs. Children's BMI and head circumference was measured repeatedly and their age in months was recorded at each measurement. Furthermore, the data contain several baseline variables with information on the mothers' demographics and socio-economic status.





simLong: A data frame in long format with 2400 rows and 16 variables

simWide: A data frame in wide format with 200 rows and 81 variables

An object of class data.frame with 2400 rows and 16 columns.

An object of class data.frame with 200 rows and 81 columns.

Baseline covariates

(in simLong and simWide)


gestational age at birth (in weeks)


ethnicity (binary: European vs. other)


age of the mother at intake


height of the mother (in cm)


number of times the mother has given birth (binary: 0 vs. >=1)


smoking status of the mother during pregnancy (3 ordered categories: never smoked during pregnancy, smoked until pregnancy was known, continued smoking in pregnancy)


educational level of the mother (3 ordered categories: low, mid, high)


marital status (3 categories)


subject identifier

Long-format variables

(only in simLong)


measurement occasion/visit (by design, children should be measured at/around 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 15, 20, 26, 32, 40 and 50 months of age)


child age at measurement time in months


child BMI


child head circumference in cm


child height in cm


child weight in gram


sleeping behaviour of the child (3 ordered categories)

Wide-format variables

(only in simWide)

age1, age2, age3, age4, age7, age11, age15, age20, age26, age32, age40, age50

child age at the repeated measurements in months

bmi1, bmi2, bmi3, bmi4, bmi7, bmi11, bmi15, bmi20, bmi26, bmi32, bmi40, bmi50

repeated measurements of child BMI

hc1, hc2, hc3, hc4, hc7, hc11, hc15, hc20, hc26, hc32, hc40, hc50

repeated measurements of child head circumference in cm

hgt1, hgt2, hgt3, hgt4, hgt7, hgt11, hgt15, hgt20, hgt26, hgt32, hgt40, hgt50

repeated measurements of child height in cm

wgt1, wgt2, wgt3, wgt4, wgt7, wgt11, wgt15, wgt20, wgt26, wgt32, wgt40, wgt50

repeated measurements of child weight in gram

sleep1, sleep2, sleep3, sleep4, sleep7, sleep11, sleep15, sleep20, sleep26, sleep32, sleep40, sleep50

repeated measurements of child sleep behaviour (3 ordered categories)



Calculate the sum of the computational duration of a JointAI object


Calculate the sum of the computational duration of a JointAI object


sum_duration(object, by = NULL)



object of class JointAI


optional grouping information; options are NULL (default) to calculate the sum over all chains and runs and both the adaptive and sampling phase, "run" to get the duration per run, "phase" to get the sum over all chains and runs per phase, "chain" to get the sum per chain over both phases and all runs, "phase and run" to get the sum over all chains, separately per phase and run.

Create traceplots for a MCMC sample


Creates a set of traceplots from the MCMC sample of an object of class 'JointAI'.


traceplot(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'JointAI'
traceplot(object, start = NULL, end = NULL,
  thin = NULL, subset = c(analysis_main = TRUE), outcome = NULL,
  exclude_chains = NULL, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, use_ggplot = FALSE,
  warn = TRUE, mess = TRUE, ...)



object inheriting from class 'JointAI'


Arguments passed on to graphics::matplot


vector of line types, widths, and end styles. The first element is for the first column, the second element for the second column, etc., even if lines are not plotted for all columns. Line types will be used cyclically until all plots are drawn.


vector of colors. Colors are used cyclically.


vector of character expansion sizes, used cyclically. This works as a multiple of par("cex"). NULL is equivalent to 1.0.


vector of background (fill) colors for the open plot symbols given by pch = 21:25 as in points. The default NA corresponds to the one of the underlying function plot.xy.


logical. If TRUE, plots are added to current one, using points and lines.


logical. If TRUE, write one line of what is done.


the first iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


the last iteration of interest (see window.mcmc)


thinning interval (integer; see window.mcmc). For example, thin = 1 (default) will keep the MCMC samples from all iterations; thin = 5 would only keep every 5th iteration.


subset of parameters/variables/nodes (columns in the MCMC sample). Follows the same principle as the argument monitor_params in *_imp.


optional; vector identifying a subset of sub-models included in the output, either by specifying their indices (using the order used in the list of model formulas), or their names (LHS of the respective model formula as character string)


optional vector of the index numbers of chains that should be excluded


optional; number of rows in the plot layout; automatically chosen if unspecified


optional; number of columns in the plot layout; automatically chosen if unspecified


logical; Should ggplot be used instead of the base graphics?


logical; should warnings be given? Default is TRUE.


logical; should messages be given? Default is TRUE.

See Also

summary.JointAI, *_imp, densplot
The vignette Parameter Selection contains some examples how to specify the parameter subset.


# fit a JointAI model
mod <- lm_imp(y ~ C1 + C2 + M1, data = wideDF, n.iter = 100)

# Example 1: simple traceplot

# Example 2: ggplot version of traceplot
traceplot(mod, use_ggplot = TRUE)

# Example 5: changing how the ggplot version looks (using ggplot syntax)

traceplot(mod, use_ggplot = TRUE) +
  theme(legend.position = 'bottom') +
  xlab('iteration') +
  ylab('value') +
  scale_color_discrete(name = 'chain')

Cross-sectional example dataset


A simulated cross-sectional dataset.




A simulated data frame with 100 rows and 13 variables:


continuous, complete variable


continuous, incomplete variable


binary, complete variable


binary, incomplete variable


unordered factor; complete variable


unordered factor; incomplete variable


ordered factor; complete variable


ordered factor; incomplete variable


continuous, complete variable


continuous incomplete variable


id (grouping) variable


continuous complete variable


continuous, complete variable